There 38 days, 16 hours and 49 minutes till kickoff, and things have been busy. In preparation for build season, Sachem Aftershock veterans have been training newcomers on the basics of mechanics, software, electrical and design. In mechanical, students have been making hammer key chains, learning how to work the different machines, learning to solder, and learning the safety precautions needed to prevent injury in the process. In electrical, we have been learning the basics of disassembling and reconstructing electronics boards. Lastly, the programmers were introduced to the basics of code, learning the basics of computer logic and how to write basic programs.

We are 38 days, 16 hours and 49 minutes to kickoff and things have been busy. In preparation for build season, Sachem Aftershock veterans have been training newcomers on the basics of mechanics, software, electrical and design. In mechanical, students have been making hammer key chains, learning how to work the different machines, solder and the safety precautions needed to prevent injury in the process. In electrical, we have been learning the basics of disassembling and reconstructing electronics boards. Lastly, the programmers were introduced to the basics of code.